Solar Panel Installation Brisbane

Residential solar systems in Brisbane; Gold Coast and Rockhampton are cities blessed with a lot of sunlight on a regular day basis. Thanks to the sunny weather of Australia, it makes an ideal place to utilize solar energy for your home or even for your business; however, there are many things that should be considered before installing a residential solar system for your home. For a residential solar system in Brisbane, there are many different factors that may affect the outcome. Only using top-quality solar panels for your residential solar system will not be enough if your home is not suitable for it.

Following is the list of factors that should be considered before installing a residential solar system:

1. What is your current expense on electricity?

There are obviously a lot of factors that should and will be considered before installing a residential solar system in Brisbane. The biggest reason behind installing it is to cut down your expense on electricity. This is the sole purpose of the solar system.

If your spending on electricity is not really that high then installing a residential solar system will not make much sense. Because you have to see on a longer-term how much money you are actually saving using this residential solar system in Rockhampton or any other city. So in order to calculate the total amount that you are going to save, it includes calculating the amount of electricity you use and the amount of electricity that is going to be produced using your solar system.

Even though your electricity consumption is not that high, but if you live in a state where electricity rates are really high. Then it makes sense to install a residential solar system. As a result, you will surely be saving big bucks. On the contrary, if you are living in a state where electricity rates are relatively very low and you are having low electricity consumption, then installing a solar system will not be beneficial to you in the shorter run. But even in such a case, over the longer run, you can rest assured that you will get benefits as the life of modern solar panels is over 30 years now and there is no certainty that the price of electricity will remain low.

2.    Is your home fall under the shadow of nearby trees or other larger buildings?

It is one of the most often overlooked factors when it comes to installing a residential solar system in Gold Coast. Contrary to the most popular belief, solar panels do not need to stay in direct sunlight the whole time to generate electricity; however, direct sunlight may surely help the power generation, if your home falls under the shadow of nearby structures for a shorter duration it will not affect your electricity consumption significantly. But it should not be the case that your home is in the shadow all the time, especially tree shadows as it will not be producing sufficient electricity for you.

In such a case, you can surely trim down those trees before installing solar panels or you can use extended stands to lift the solar panels above the height of the trees or nearby building to make sure that your panels get maximum sunlight.

3.    Are there any incentives offered by your state?

Net metering is one of the most common solar incentives offered by the state itself. It allows you to send extra electricity that has been generated by your residential solar system. And the state will exchange it with the credits when it comes to paying for the electricity.

There are many other incentives offered by the state which may vary depending on the state you are living in. Before installing it at your place, one should always make sure if there are any additional benefits offered by the state.

4. Do you own the home or renting the place?

Even though the cost of solar panels and residential solar system in Brisbane is at its all-time low, it would still not worth it if you do not own the place as generally, it takes 4 to 5 years to break even for the cost of installing a solar system depending on your electricity usage. Additionally, considering the cost of the modern solar panel is over 30 years, you won’t be living in the same rented place for 30 years to enjoy all the benefits of installing these panels. Combining this logic, it surely does not make any sense to pay for the installation cost if you are only renting the house.

On the other hand, if you own the place then you must install a residential solar system for your home. As mentioned above, you will break even within few years and then for the rest of the years of your solar panels’ life will be a direct profit. Also, having a solar system installed on your property increase the chances of a good deal when you are looking to sell your home.

This is the list of factors one should not overlook before installing a residential solar system for your home. If you are looking to install a residential solar system in Brisbane, Rockhampton, Gold Coast Sunfeeds Solar can surely help you with the top quality service at the most affordable price.

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How much does it cost to install solar panels in Brisbane?

A typical home solar system in Brisbane is 6.6kW and a good quality installation will cost between $4,500.00 up to $10,000.00.

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How Many Solar Panels Are Needed to Power My Home? The average home in the U.S. uses 10,400 kWh of electricity per year. If you install the average 250-watt solar panel, you’d need around 28-34 solar panels to generate enough energy to power your entire home

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