10 things you should consider before installing a 6.6kW Solar System

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6.6kW Solar System for your home – There’s still a lot to keep up with when it comes to solar power, but if you do your homework, you’ll be able to tell who’s talking “sense” and who’s just trying to sell you anything. So you don’t be fooled and be aware before making any decisions. Here are ten things to think about before installing a 6.6kW solar system in your home:

1. Make sure you’re aware of your use and the rates charged by your utility retailer.

There are various “Demand Rates” of consumption in most countries, each with its cost calculation formula. For example, energy consumption during peak hours is higher than during off-peak hours.

Some demand rates are very high when you need electricity the most, and as a rule of thumb, it will cost more. Installing a 6.6kW solar system in Brisbane, on the other hand, means you will save more money and have a better return on investment.

2. Is It Worth It to Invest in Solar Batteries?

If you are building a self-contained home or your property is in an area where grid connectivity is not possible, you should go with batteries. If you want to remain “on the grid,” you will continue to obtain electricity from the grid at night, just as you do now.

Perhaps more importantly, a solar panel system connected to the grid will provide you with a much greater and quicker return on your investment, as well as completing your project at a lower cost than a system with batteries.

3. Are you aware of how much energy your home consumes every month?

Growing a family usually means more energy use, but if you are childless or have college-aged children about to leave the nest, you can expect your grid energy costs to drop and remain low.

Making some energy-efficient improvements in your homes, such as replacing incandescent bulbs with LEDs and replacing old machines (fridges, washing machines, etc.) with energy-efficient machines, or making other energy-saving changes and upgrades, will help you monitor your daily consumption and lower your costs even more. To accurately measure your use and size of your 6.6kW solar system in Brisbane, request a free solar assessment from a local installer.

4. Is It Better To Have A North-Facing Roof Area Or Not? 

Solar panels can be mounted on your roof’s north, north-east, or north-west facing areas. To be honest, the orientation of the solar panels is important for good performance, but it isn’t as important as you would think. Installing the 6.6kW solar system in your home such a way that the panels face east or west, or even southeast and southwest will yield satisfactory results.

5. Solar Panels: How Long Do They Last?

Solar panels have no moving parts and are thus resistant to wear and tear. A 6.6 kW solar system Brisbane’s panel can typically last 30 years or longer and lose 0.5 percent of its conversion efficiency per year. Little things like hosing off the panels a few times a year and keeping obstacles away from the solar panels can help maintain a consistent performance.

6. Are Panels Harmful to My Roof?

The 6.6kW solar system panels are now mounted with the help of specialized solar mounting kits. Solar panel mounting kits are available for various roof styles to ensure that solar panels are safely installed on the roof without causing damage to the existing infrastructure.

Additional benefits of using these kits include the possibility of keeping the room(s) of your home directly underneath the panel installation cooler in the summer and colder in the winter. Often choose the right installer.

7. The Type of Roof You Have Will Affect Cost

The cost of installation of a 6.6kW solar system in Brisbane will be determined by the type of roof you have. Solar panels would undoubtedly be more expensive to install on terracotta tiles than on simple interlocking tiles roofs. Since terracotta is much more fragile than other tile forms, extra time and effort are required to ensure that any attachment points breaching the roof are properly sealed.

Before you commit to a 6.6 kW solar system, speak with any solar experts. You will find that pricing is comparable, but you’ll have to make your final decision based on other factors such as the solutions provided, service ratings, solar installer credibility, the amount of assistance you get in finding out government solar rebates, and so on.

After you’ve saved all of the details you can, figuring out if you should or should not get solar panels installed in your homes or not and when to install a solar system should be a breeze.

What will a 6.6 kW solar system produce?

This means that a 6.6kW solar system with north-facing panels will produce an average of 20kWh to 27kWh of power per day over the year. We aim to get your power bills down to near zero. This will allow you to payback your system investment in less than 4 years.

How many solar panels do I need for a 6.6 kW system?

6.6kW system is typically made up of anywhere between 20 and 24 solar panels. The number of panels you need for a 6.6kW system varies depending on how efficient the panels are.

What size inverter do I need for 6.6 kW?

The rule is that you are allowed to have your solar power system over-sized by 133%. This means that you can get an inverter with 5kW capacity and add 6.6kW of solar panels (5kW x 133% = 6.6kW)

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